Category: Upgrade

Migrating from Authy to 1Password

I’ve previously used LastPass and Authy, but have decided to start using 1Password instead as their app is nicer and they have many features that are not available natively on the LastPass Desktop App or Browser Extention, like 2FA.

But how to migrate without having to re-setup 2FA on every site?

After trying out some javascript-browser-hacks without much luck, I found a Go Lang written program that uses the Device-feature of Authy to get access to the TOTP-secrets, works like a charm as they say!

Here’s a link to the program:

That oneliner…

Once again, this is just so that I don’t forget 🙂

apt -y update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y dist-upgrade && apt -y autoremove && apt -y clean && apt -y purge && reboot

Because you just want keep your system updated … I’m sure some of the commands are redundant, but hey.. It works!

Upgrade an Unsupported Ubuntu Linux to the latest version

If you like me stumble upon a machine running a version of Ubuntu that has become depreciated (End of Life), then fear not!

Fixing your broken sources.list


The first way I’ve noticed that something was wrong, was when I ran “apt-get update” and got a bunch of “404”‘s from our update server. But after some searching on the web I found that you can just replace the “” to “” in your /etc/apt/sources.list and use Ubuntu:s archive server to update your machine to the “latest and greatest” for your release.

sudo sed -i -re 's/([a-z]{2}\.)?|' /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

You should now have a system that is as much up to date as possible, please consider doing a release upgrade now so you can continue to receive updates and security patches!

To upgrade to a new release:

Once you have performed the above steps to switch to the old-releases mirrors, update the Update Manager and then do do-release-upgrade:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
sudo do-release-upgrade
