- Miss Hosting
I jumped on their “christmas special” last year, this year they had another “christmas special” but their marketing and “fine print” was less than clear, so I contacted them and said I wanted in on the special deal, only to find out that (according to them) it only applies to new customers. So guess what, now I’m not a customer at all, and I’m in the process of migrating everything away from Miss Hosting. - Telia
My broadband subscription term comes to an end in early 2024 so, I reached out to negotiate a new good rate for my subscription, only to find out that “sorry we do not offer any discounts”, but after some negotiation I was able to get a 200 SEK discount from the offered rate, but since it was still more expensive than Bredband2 who offered the same service without any fixed term, I’m out!
Also I do not want to support Telias Business Model of discounts that when they expire mean a price increase of 176% (!!!), it only hurts inactive consumers.
Monthly Archive: December 2023
This old thing? It’s just Awesome!

After my friend (@pjocke) had some issues with his heating and started monitoring the incoming hot water from the tenants association, I thought it would be nice to monitor the temperature in _all_ the rooms of my house…
I use Homey for my home automation, and was looking for something that would plug in to that. So after some researching I found out that Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Temperature / Humidity Sensor 2 works great with Homey, but it needs to be flashed with a custom firmware since they are (of course) supposed to only work with Xiaomis own “Mi Home”-app.
Well, said and done, I bought some sensors and started the process, found out the hard way that my Browser (Brave) needed to enable some experimental flags to use the Web Bluetooth API.
Since then there has been new firmware releases and it’s now also possible to flash the sensors with a firmware that enables Zigbee.
Just look at it…

And with Insights in Homey, I can generate nice graphs showing the sun factor on the room’s facing south..

Next step.. MORE SENSORS! (…and perhaps some cool automation based on the output of the sensors!)